5 Fun and Free Printable Book Club Games

Printable book club games with image of books viewed from above

Want to make your book club more fun and interactive? Grab these five FREE Printable Book Club games perfect for lit lovers!

My Book Club is the best.

I may be a little bit biased, but whatever. LOL.

There’s no pressure to do everything perfect. It’s super casual. You come whether you’ve read the book or not. There’s lots of catching up with friends, tons of book talk, and always new book recommendations.

Simply put, Book Club is one of my favorite nights of the month.

Book Club Games

Even if your Book Club is perfect (like mine), sometimes we all want to do something a little extra. And these free printable Book Club Games are the perfect solution!

Simply screenshot or download the free PDF, print, and hand them out at your next meeting. Use just one or try them all, but you’re guaranteed more conversation, more laughter, and hey, you might learn something new about each other in the process!

This or That Book Club Edition

Whether you call it a This or That Game or Would You Rather…this book club version of the game is quick, easy, and a book club game literally anyone can do!

Print each member of your book club a copy and get to work. As the host, you can decide if you want to go around the group and verbally give your answers.

This or That Book Club Edition

Biggest Bookworm

Everyone can get involved with this fun simple checklist game. Simply print out a copy for each book club member and let everyone get to work.

As the host, you can always decide how the game is played and if you want to go more in depth. For instance, you could go around your group and ask how many books each member read in the past year- this is great for a January book club get together when everyone has just wrapped up a reading year. You could even have a little prize for the winner.

Biggest Bookworm: Printable PDF book club game

Free Printable Book Club Bingo

Again, host can decide how this Book Club Bingo game is played. My favorite way to play Book Club Bingo is to hand out your cards face down, everyone turns them over at the same time, and checks off their own cards. First to get five in a row wins.

Printable Book Club Bingo

Book Club Printable PDF Mostly Likely To Game

This Book Club game is a little different in that you’re answers aren’t always about YOU! List yourself or other members of your book club and go around the room to see who wins these fun Book Club Superlatives.

Book Club Printable PDF Mostly Likely To Game

Book Club Scattergories

If your Book Club likes a little friendly competition, then Book Club Scattergories is the game for you!

You can roll the Scattergories die if you have the actual game, you can go online and use a Scattergories Spinner, or you can let someone choose a letter for each round. Do what works best for you! I’ve always loved the game Scattergories so this Book Club version is right up my alley!

Printable Book Club Scattergories

Feel free to simply screenshot the above images or subscribe below for your FREE Printable PDF copies of these fun Book Club Games!

And there you go! Five fun and free Book Club Games for your lit loving friends!

Want more bookish things? Grab my free printable Reading Journal, check out all the books I read last year, my top personal growth picks, and grab my favorite bookish captions and quotes.

Fun printable book club games free PDF

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