So…you’re looking for an adrenaline rush? Or, maybe not? Maybe you’re just interested in trying something new, pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, or ideas for your adventurous bucket list? Whatever the reason…I have good news! Because today I am sharing with you 25 exciting adrenaline adventures for all types of thrill seekers. Adrenaline […]
100+ Experience Gifts for Teens: The Ultimate Gift Guide for Teenagers
Experience Gifts for Teenagers Experiences over things. Y’all already know that’s how we roll around here, right? Do you struggle with finding that perfect gift for your teenager? Well, I now officially have two teenagers in my house, so I thought I would put together an extensive list of ideas of the best experience gifts […]
Bucket List for Families: 101 Ways to Make More Family Memories Together
Want to create more meaningful & memorable family experiences? Grab 100 bucket list ideas for all ages & stages with your kids!
30 Days of Gratitude: Gratitude Journal Prompts, Templates, Challenges & More!
Gratitude Challenge: Are You Ready? Practicing gratitude has been a huge part of my intentional living journey. I’d actually go as far to say that developing a gratitude practice has literally changed my life. Truth. Gratitude journal prompts, simple gratitude challenges, and even fun little Instagram story templates seem so simple, yet they can have […]
5 Easy Mindfulness Activities for Kids & Families
Wish your children were more present, able to self regulate, & less reactive? Want to implement more mindful activities into your family routines? Try these 5 quick & easy mindfulness activities for kids and families.